Monday, March 18, 2013

Fun Logo for my new business venture

I'm in no way leaving the design world. I'm simply a girl with too many passions and not enough outlets to get them out into-- so I'm branching out. My mother and I (well, I mainly... but ya know) have decided to open a small plus size boutique (online) of resale and consignment items. I'm pretty stoked. I'm working on slowly getting things together for it, but I have managed to get a fun little logo together, as well as a Facebook page.

Two Blue Birds Facebook Page

So there you have it.. it's basic, but it is us. It isn't the world's finest design work.. but you know what? IT WAS FUN!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Photography Session: Miss Shelby

I recently had the honor to take photos of a long (long, long..) time friend's beautiful bundle of cuteness. Her name is Shelby, and she is quite possibly the most squeezable little thing I've had the opportunity to meet in a long time! The weather didn't corporate for what we wanted to do outdoors, and since I'm still moving I wasn't prepared with a studio set up quite yet; but we managed some adorableness to share with the world!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Freebie Friday: 'Me' Typography Poster

This poster is yours to snag... thanks to our brand new "Freebie Friday" that we're starting up. Pass it around, post it up, or print it out.. all we ask is that any creative credit links back to us!